First of all, you will turn into one of those ephemeral creatures we so lovingly refer to as the Mole People. There's just no way of getting out of that one, I'm sorry.
More importantly, you'll be with about 500 other paranoid, and most likely, well-armed Glen Back disciples for the next say, um ... 5 years? At least. Now don't get me wrong, I love me some camo gear and Civil War reenactments just as much as the next hot-blooded girl. But shit's going to get real up in that bitch the minute someone cracks the last remaining DVD from those "Left Behind" series. You know - the evangelicals answer to "Twilight".
Even if you have the Jedi mind strength to handle those day at-the-beach scenarios, you're pretty much fucked when some never before seen organism seeps into the food supply. Why? Because your bunk mate is going to go from just creepy to crazy-as-fuck in about 30 seconds after ingesting those little Middle Earth microbes.
It's also common knowledge that no post-apocalyptic civilization actually survives. No, no. Au contraire mon frere. It's the zombies' time to shine, and they're ready for their close-up. Did you hear me? Radical right wing zombies who have been shooting guns since birth. Not cool dude, not cool. And remember, you will have NO WAY OUT.
These are things you might want to consider. Consider yourself warned.
You're welcome.