Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tell Me Why

Oh boy. I’ve been rereading my columns lately and I’ve come to a conclusion: the only common thread in all of these stories is … um, me. Months of writing and all I have accomplished is making myself look like the one who just might be the source of dysfunction in my relationships. Well, thank God that was productive. I could have spent the summer sleeping, playing beer pong, and buying random shit on Ebay and I might have had better results. Since I write about dating and relationships, it’s only natural that I would take some time to analyze my previous relationships. Women tend to over-analyze things in general. Lately my brain has been whizzing like a blender, mixing up a dangerous cocktail of romantic times, heart-breaking times, and times that I’d just rather forget all together. And I thought tequila gave me a level-five hangover.

Even though everyones’ reactions to my stories has been different, the main question I am asked is why? Why am I putting my life on the internet? Why am I calling out these men who I should let slither away to their respective rocks that they surely came from? Am I vengeful and mean? I am finally taking a stand for women scorned across this planet? Do I need some heavy duty psych drugs? Do I need to find a hobby? What’s my deal?

Well first, let me assure you that I am not in it for the fame. There are no visions of reality shows dancing in this head. Even though it seems that achieving our fifteen short minutes of fame is now the only goal of every American; I refuse to participate in that horse race. I am not signing myself up to eat sub-Saharan fire ants or trying to make it on “Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire Sheep Herder”. This kind of stuff just doesn’t do it for me. Even though I put out a lot of information on the internet, I edit the things that I say. I let people view my life on my own terms. And if we can be serious for a second … Who would really want to watch me on my own reality show? The only viewers I’d attract would be people who feel that C-SPAN was just a tad too exciting to watch before bed time. I can only imagine it would sound something like this: "Tonight on 'Token Single Girl', Hadley goes to the grocery store. Paper or plastic? Will she make the right decision?" I just don’t think there is a network out there that is willing to make me their highlight for sweeps week.

I am also not out to destroy and embarrass my exes; even though I think that printing up flyers with their names and pictures and putting them on every car I go by would be great fun. I definitely think that I would facing some hefty legal bills if I proceeded with that idea. It’s a recession; I need my cash, thanks. Although I have dated guys who define the word “asshole”,
they are my assholes. The feelings are long gone, but I did love each and every one of them at some point. I use alias’ and I blur the details just enough so that the only people who really know who was involved are me, my exes, and my close friends. However, everything I write is the truth, I promise. I honestly couldn’t make this shit up. Some of the stuff I’ve seen would give even the godfather of imagination, Walt Disney, a run for his money.

While I am at it, let me clarify something. I have had wonderful relationships with a handful of men over the years. Men who were probably better to me than I deserved at the time. I’m no angel. I am chronically late, I am a pro at dicking around instead of getting stuff done, and I have a habit of getting someone else to hold my stuff while I’m shopping. I don’t write about these great men as much because, quite frankly, that stuff isn’t as funny. I guess my exes were good for one thing: they provide entertainment for people who are stuck in cubicles and boring economic classes. They came up with their shenanigans all on their own. I’m just documenting it.

So WHY am I doing this? Well, it’s because I’ve been there. That place where your heart is so broken that it hurts to breathe. That place where you feel like no one can imagine what you are going through. That place where you must wear sweatpants and eat ice cream out of the container while watching “Beaches” over and over for weeks at a time. Even though I can laugh about some of this stuff now, at the time I thought I was never going to feel better again. I was positive that I was destined to be a crazy cat lady who wears cardigans with tissues tucked up the sleeves during the summer. I contemplated buying a rocking chair at Ikea and just getting it over with.

God knows how I made it through these times, but I did. Now I’m out here trying to save others. I don’t want anyone to have to go through what I have experienced. My guys may not have twin brothers, but there are a shit load of men who act the same exact way. Every single one of you has had a relationship where the only good that came from it was the Kleenex’s stock went up significantly after it ended. I’ve actually just purchased some stocks from this company a few weeks ago. Making money every time I get tangled up with a tool helps soften the blow a tiny bit. I’m guess I’m finally catching on after all these years of dating.

If my stories can help someone walk away from a relationship that is causing them nothing but hurt and time, then I feel as though my self-imposed public humiliation was actually a good idea. I’m dating dickheads so you don’t have to! No, no ... there is no need to thank me. I don’t remember wanting to be a romantic cautionary tale when I was growing up. I thought I was going to be a veterinarian. I’m not sure what I did in my past lives to put me in this position, but I am going to make an educated guess and say that I wasn’t the nicest neighbor on the block. No one was coming to my house for a cup of sugar or an egg, that’s for sure.

Regardless of why I’ve met these men; I did learn from each relationship. For example, I’ve learned that copious amounts of Fritos and Ben and Jerry’s are pretty much one of the worst decisions one can make. I’m here now to pass these lessons on to you. Take my tales to heart and you will save yourself time, sanity, and emotion-fueled drinking binges. I’m not just taking one for the team; I’m the goddamn Joe Torre of terrible dates and the opposing team is throwing a lot of strikes. I’m going to hit a grand slam one day, but until then I hope my stories can help you get on base.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yours, Mine, and Ours

Relationships are wonderful things. Romantic,… exhilarating,… fun. All the things that Hollywood and Cosmo said it would be. It’s the break-up that sucks. I’ve never met anyone who has said,” you know, the relationship was OK, but the break-up? Now THAT was a good time.” We hate breaking-up so much that we will stay in relationships that are no longer satisfying just to avoid the ending. Break-ups require a lot of diplomacy. Who gets the friends,… who gets to hang out at which bars,… and the mandatory returning of the other person’s possessions/stuff. Yeah, the little things that have slowly started to creep into our homes;…the CDs,…the DVDs,…the random tee-shirt, that now have to be found and returned with as much dignity as one can muster. What once seemed like a sign of commitment quickly becomes a symbolic “albatross” of resentment, guilt and simmering urges for retribution!! What “might have been” swiftly evolves into “don’t let the door hit ya on the way out”!

One of the worst side effects of having a pile of someone else’s stuff is that it keeps the door open for “rebound” communication. It’s usually the jilted lover that feels an urgent need to return such important things like socks, magazines, frisbees and five dollar sun-glasses. Deep down we know that our exes don’t want this stuff. However, that doesn’t keep us from trying though, does it? It gives us a reason to call and secretly hope that hearing our voice will be enough to send them running back to our arms with renewed romantic intentions. How many times have we had to convince a friend not to call their ex at two A.M. just because a pair of socks and a magazine where still at the house?

The only exception to the rule of returned goods is men’s sweatshirts. A guy who erroneously leaves behind a sweatshirt might as well consider it gone. I’m not sure what it is about men’s sweatshirts but they beat anything found in the women’s department. They are just the right size; slightly too big but not so much that it becomes annoying. Men’s sweatshirts always seem to have the perfect amount of cologne on them. When a girl is in the first amazing weeks of a new relationship nothing, besides actually having her beau beside her, is as wonderful as the smell of his cologne when he not around. Nope, there is nothing that is going to get a girl to relinquish a nice hoodie after she has worn it. It’s actually ;in the dating rulebook I believe; we get custody fair and square.

I’ll be the first to admit that I have held on to things that should have gone straight to the recycle bin in the hope that my ex would try to contact me. My most recent foray into what basically boils down to kidnapping has to do with the Bartender. Yup, this guy, AGAIN. When we were dating he had brought his golf clubs over and parked them on my porch. I’m not exactly sure why they came to my house in the first place. I generally avoid turning my living room into a Par 3 for losers! I imagine it had something to do with his not owning a car. After he disappeared without a trace I looked at those golf clubs like they were the Holy Grail. People just don’t walk away from an expensive set of clubs. He just “had to” resurface to claim them at some point. He would have to contact me and then, THEN, I would get my answers as to why he bolted without as much as a goodbye text.

Instead of calling him, I waited patiently. Or one could say I stewed in a malevolent manner worthy of people who take great pleasure in killing baby seals. And I waited … and waited … and waited. He didn’t come forward to collect his dubious belongings, but his friends came forward with things. Lots of things that I really didn’t need or want to hear. The biggest blow to the gut was when I was told that he had been sleeping with different people the entire time we were together. Not just one person mind you, but “many”,…”several”,….”beau coup”! . He was having so much sex I’m amazed he even had time to get to work. Oh that’s right … he was having sex right in the bar that he worked at. Well, at least it was convenient if not somewhat disconcerting to think about what was growing on the bar surface.

After I was duly informed of this insensitive betrayal, I went from longing to livid to lethal. I no longer hoped that he would come crawling back to claim his silly golf clubs and my heart. The only place I wanted to see this jackass was in front of my car so I could harpoon him with my front bumper. Now, what I should have done after finding out about Houdini and his harem of women was to throw those clubs on Craigslist and reside for a weekend at a day spa with the proceeds. I also could have created a fabulous new age sculpture and presented it to the Bartender on his lawn. Believe me, these thoughts crossed my mind like chickens absconding for the other side of the road, along with various other vengeful scenarios. In the end I put the useless clubs on the back porch. Out of sight and out of mind. I may not be in the running for woman of the year, but I am sure as hell a much better person than this guy. Doing something malicious would have only brought me down to his level (as gratifying as that might have been). In fact, I think you need a passport to travel so far down, and mine is expired.

It seems that the minute we stop longing for something or someone, then they show up. This proved true with the Bartender. I had already exiled his belongings to the back of the porch that I seldom if ever use. I was doing my best to move on from such a shitty, callow relationship, and seeing his stuff everyday wasn’t going to help me. Then he texted. One of his friends was in town and they were going golfing. The Bartender wanted to come and pick up his clubs. As it turned out, karma was on my side for once. I was out of town and obviously unavailable to unlock my porch. Jeez, that really sucks, huh? I had no intention of keeping his things permanently. As a matter of fact, there is no one on the planet who wants his stuff out of my house more than me. However, the fact that he wasn’t able to hit the links with his bromantic partner brought me no sorrow. Like I said, I wouldn’t do anything to harm the belongings he left behind, but I am not going to go out of my way to help him reclaim them either. What do I look like? A hat check girl at the Ritz?? As of this moment, that was the Bartender’s only attempt at picking up his stuff. As summer bleeds into fall, I wonder if he will ever attempt to reacquire his crap. I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted.

As irritating as it is to deal with a few random things left behind, it is a mere “bump in the road” compared to the upheaval that ensues when you break up with the person you are actually living with. I have only lived with one boyfriend:…The Lump. You will get to know this one better in future columns, but for now, I’ll give you the basic highlights. We met through mutual friends, started dating, and moved in together WAYYYYYY too soon. I know, I know … It was a terrible, misguided decision. Believe me, I learned my lesson. Things were going great, or at least I thought so. Three days after booking a very expensive and rather lengthy vacation to California, the Lump walked out of my life. Yes, you heard that right, three *&%$#ing days. Some people really don’t deserve to be allowed to walk among the rest of us normal people. Isn’t there an island for people like that? Can’t we create one?

The Lump broke up with me after I came home from work. It took him all of ten minutes. Folks, that’s all of 600 seconds! He offered no concrete reasons and no sincere apologies. He did, however, leave me behind in a house filled with his stuff. Stuff that I would have to pack up myself. Thanks buddy. Hey, if I want to riff on “stuff” I’ll listen to the late, great George Carlin’s famous take on the issue! …At least that was funny. As he lumbered out the door like a greasy capon, he muttered something about coming back at a later date to collect his things. As painful as I knew it would be to have to put all of his things in boxes, there was absolutely no way that the Lump was going to come back into my home (among other things, he couldn’t grasp the concept of wiping his feet off first).

That night I threw what was obviously “his” on the porch. Clothing,…shoes, …books (mostly comics at that); anything that caught my eye. By the way, I didn’t bother with the formality of boxes either. He was only getting what he brought in. I left it up to the Lump to figure out how he was going to transport it. After I had scoured my apartment of all apparent signs that he had once resided there, I collapsed on my couch and cried like a teenage girl watching the movie “The Notebook” for the first time. I continued to cry like that for weeks.

Once I started my emotional comeback to the land of the living, I was startled by one glaring fact. His shit was everywhere! It was like those mucous trails that snails leave behind. Was this stuff multiplying while I was at work or what? I swear I didn’t see him move this much stuff in. Was this a cruel joke? A cosmic conspiracy? It seemed like the more things I put on the porch, the more stuff appeared around my house. No matter where I looked there were things that had “Lump” written all over them. In what seemed like a blink of the eye, my once calm and serene home had turned into an oversized Jack in the Box filled with material nightmares. I never knew when something was going to pop up and shock the shit out of me. This went on for quite some time. From random tee-shirts to ersatz DVDs to god-awful cologne, there was no end to the perverse treasure hunt my house had become.

Slowly, very slowly, the Lump’s things were starting to become scarcer by the day. My house was becoming a one-person residence again. Truth be told, it was nice to have my closets back and not have to do someone else’s disgusting dishes every day. The Lump was a lot of things but “clean” was not one of them. I enjoy coming home to peace and quiet rather than him and his slacker friends playing violent video games at three in the morning. My life is getting back to normal and I’m pretty damn happy about it. There are still days when I come across a random thing or two The Lump left behind. Yeah, it still hurts but I’ve found an excellent remedy for the lingering pain. I throw the shit in the trash. Except for the sweatshirts, I’m keeping them.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do NOT do this ...

Ladies .... This is why men think we are crazy. Stay away from the computer. You cannot erase what you have already sent. Consider this a cautionary tale.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Til Text Do Us Part

Technology. Great in theory, but a pain in the ass in reality. As our society goes whizzing along into the future, more and more gadgets are being created for our convenience. We now have GPS systems so that we no longer get lost. Yeah,…right. I had a GPS unit in my rental car while on my last vacation. The thing spoke to me in Korean for the first three days. If sitting on the side of LA’s 405 highway trying to make the little devil box speak English while semi trucks are blowing past me in all 6 lanes of traffic is convenient, then our society is definitely screwed. Ipods have ousted CDs from our vernacular as well. They are handy little devices until the day they decide to freeze up and hold your music collection captive until you can find a 14 year old to fix it for you. Yeah … that’s quite convenient. Thank God I spent over three hundred dollars for this kind of ease of use. Throw in the other assortment of technological goodies that we are now offered such as laptops, self-scanning registers at stores, and my personal nemesis, programmable thermostats and it’s enough to make your hair hurt.

If I had to choose one device that I thought was rushing us to the brink of societal collapse the fastest it would have to be the ubiquitous cell phone. Yes, I admit I have one and I would be lost without it at this point. It has become a permanent fixture in my life. There is no escaping it now. This doesn’t mean I have to like it though. I’m not sure who invented the text message function but they are definitely not making my Christmas card list any time soon. Every one sends text messages these days. Everyone. My grandmother knows how to text for Chrissakes. The same woman who speaks to the ATM machine because she believes the people inside can hear her. Lord, help us all.

My disdain for texting goes far beyond the obvious reasons as to why we should be wary of becoming so reliant on certain forms of technology. It’s pretty clear that text messages are destroying our ability to use the English language faster than our decaying school systems are. This is an actual text message I recently received: …“did u c ne1 u new @ the prty”. What the fuck does that say? I’ve seen hieroglyphics that were more easily decoded. Perhaps when that fourteen year old is done fixing my ipod, he can come translate my messages for me. And please … I’m not even going to start ranting about the fact that texting has made driving the second most dangerous activity after base jumping. That swerving driver up ahead isn’t drunk; no she is just letting her friends know she is two seconds away.

I think my biggest problem with texting is the damage it seems to be doing to our relationships these days. Have we become so reliant on technology that we are now incapable of speaking to each other? If not face to face, at least over the phone? Why have poorly worded fragment sentences become our main form of communication? If there is one glaring problem with texts it would seem to be the amazing amount of miscommunication that emanates from our phones. Men and women interpret things differently. Men tend to be blunt, to the point, very direct. Women enjoy subtext, we infer meaning into the smallest of things. For example, a woman texts the man she is dating to ask about what time they are getting together that night. She writes, “R we on 4 7 still?”. His reply, “Sure, whateva”. This two word answer has now sent this reasonably sane woman into a tailspin. Does he not want to go out? Is this his way of telling me to back off? Why isn’t he excited to see me? Should I cancel our plans first so I don’t look needy? And the dreaded thought …. Is he mad at me?

While all of this is churning in this poor girl’s head, the man is sitting at his desk surfing and staring at the clock oblivious to the inner turmoil that is quickly engulfing his girlfriend. After a few minutes of silent panic the girls sends another text. This one says, “We can get 2gether sum othr time if u want”. Of course this woman is hoping that he will make it clear that he does indeed want to see her this evening. The reply she receives says, “k. thats cool”. It is at this point, ladies and gentlemen, that what could have been a fabulous romance is now hitting a brick wall. The minute this girl received this text message she is instantly on the phone with her best friend deciphering what every single letter means. He must not be into me, she laments. I thought things were going so well. He must be cheating on me. And then the question posed by women around the world … Why do all men suck? During this entire episode, the same man is still sitting at his desk working on his fantasy football team. Unaware that he will no longer be seeing this woman due to two text messages. Like I said, technology is really helping us out.

Another side effect of our addiction to text messages is the wall that it builds between us and the people we date. Receiving a text message is not as intimate as a phone call. It never will be. It wasn’t so long ago that we used to sit around eagerly anticipating that first phone call from that “new” person we just met. Now it seems that phone calls are reserved for emergencies and birthdays. My entire relationship with the bartender consisted of text messages. He called me only two times the entire three months we were dating. TWO TIMES. How I found this acceptable at the time beyond my powers of comprehension. If I didn’t see his name on my caller ID I wouldn’t have known it was him. I couldn’t recognize my own boyfriend’s voice on the phone!! This is a problem.

Text messaging allows us to remove ourselves from the situation. They are just words after all. It’s easier to say things to people we normally wouldn’t utter in person. I’m sure the number of daters who have been dumped via text messages is quickly outnumbering the amount of people getting tossed overboard via the phone, or god forbid, in person. It’s just plain rude and quite frankly, unacceptable. Who really wants to be told that they are loved by their significant other for the first time through a cell phone? Hey guys … why don’t you grab your balls from the pocket that you normally keep your cell phone in, man up, and tell the girl you love her right to her adorable face. You’ll be glad you did, honestly.

For some of us unlucky ones, text messages can also be the bearer of very bad news. In our effort to send off messages as quickly as possible, it is easy to make a mistake and send a text to the wrong person. If we haven’t done it personally, we sure as hell know people who have. I’ve heard countless stories of both men and women who have received texts meant for someone else. Some of these messages suggested that the other person was cheating on them and others just flat out confirmed it. That’s one way to have a perfectly good day ruined in ten seconds flat. Nothing says love more than receiving a text message saying, “ I miss u so much Jen” when your name is Tammy and your boyfriend is parked on your couch. Good times!!

The Bartender was quite guilty of the last dating infraction. This man would sit right next to me typing away on his Blackberry for inordinate amounts of time. He would tell me it was his brother or his roommate and I wouldn’t give it a second thought. Turns out he was actually texting the other girl he had been sleeping with the entire time we were dating. Ouch! Do you know the worst thing about that situation? I was recently told what he had been up to while we were together THROUGH A FUCKING TEXT MESSAGE! Gotta love the irony of that one.

As technology advances, perhaps text messaging will go the way of the eight track. Or perhaps we will realize that computers and electronic gadgets will just never be as satisfying as a “face to face” communication. Until that time I guess I will just have to get that fourteen year old to show me how to send picture messages, right after he is done programming my DVR.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

He's Baaaaacccckkkkk .....

He’s Baaaaccckkkkk …….

Tell me … What do unpaid parking tickets, student loans, and ex-boyfriends all have in common? Sure, all three are annoying, but that’s not the answer. Give up? Well, ladies, the answer to this riddle is that they’ll always come back to haunt you. Always! You could put money on it. Sure, we may not know when or why they are going to turn up like ulcers in a stress ward, but trust me, they will turn up. And it’s never at a good time. The most likely time for an ex to surface is usually right after you have finally gotten over him, or when you have just met an awesome guy, or when you’ve moved halfway across the country. It’s never in the weeks or months when you are dying for contact or an answer as to why he left. Nooooo, those months are silent. The only people who seem to have your phone number then are telemarketers and your grandmother. Then all of a sudden it’s as if an ex-boyfriend alarm bell goes off. Beeeeepppp …. Beeeeeeppp … time to mess with her head,… beeeeeppp … beeeepppp. There are few things we can really count on in life, but rest assured, all creepy ex-boyfriends will resurface like Flipper looking for a free lunch at the side of your boat.

Now, let me begin by saying that this does not apply to every single ex-boyfriend. Although I have dated a record-setting number of loser men in the past fifteen years, I have also dated some truly wonderful guys. Even though these relationships eventually ran their course, I have nothing but good feelings towards these gentlemen. Every so often I hear from one of these exes and I’m always happy that they decided to seek me out. There is a special place in my heart for each one of them and it makes me happy knowing that they are doing well.

But then again, there is the other category of exes; the ones who do nothing but cause me trouble, heartache, and time. We’ve all had relationships with people that, in retrospect, we never should have. Either we dated the “Bad Boy”, the “Mr. Unavailable”, or “The Player”. It’s just part of the dating experience. Some of us date a few and then move on to more rewarding relationships. Others keep dating a variation of the same guy hoping for different results each time. And you know what doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is called ladies?? …INSANITY!!! I would fit in the latter category, just in case you’re wondering. Our lives end up being much better when they are gone; less drama,…less heartache,…less frustration. So why can’t they stay gone?

Of all the exes who have resurfaced throughout my life, there is one who wins the award for most appearances made by a former love. “The Marine” and I met shortly after he had returned from Iraq. It was love at first sight … for him. I, on the other hand, was actually seeing someone at the time that we met and although we hung out a few times, I really wasn’t interested. The Marine, however, was very persistent. Although he actually lived in the Eastern part of the state, The Marine spent a lot of time at a local air force base close to my house. He would call me endlessly, he showed up at my bar randomly, and he would even come over to my house just to see if I was around. This guy definitely bordered on stalker for much of the time I knew him.

We met in April and by September he had won me over. The relationship I had been in when I met the Marine was dying on the vine, withering like a sod lawn in the Sahara. Even though the Marine was a little creepy in his persistent efforts to win me over, he was genuinely funny and caring. Because we lived about two hours apart, we spent countless hours on the phone. It reminded me of a high school relationship in a way. We even had a prom of sorts to go to. The Marine asked me to accompany him to his Marine Corp Ball. That is a story for a different column, but, believe me, it was an amazing evening.

Our relationship progressed through the fall, winter, and into the spring. Although we lived a decent distance apart we made the best of it. Yet, like all good things, and apparently all of my relationships, we suddenly came to an end. For Christmas I had purchased the Marine tickets to go see Motley Crew. He had an almost creepy obsession with everything they had to do with the 80’s. The Marine even joked that he wouldn’t be able to break up with me until after the concert because he wanted to see this band so badly. I thought he was joking at the time, but only a few days after the concert, he stayed true to his word and dropped me like a virus. Now, I’ve met people who have been huge fans before, but this guy was so far over the top you needed binoculars to track his orbit in the ozone! Besides, Motley Crew?? Where’s “Simple Minds” when you need them???

Speaking of which, The Marine ended things in a short call, conveniently, while I was driving to work. He blamed the demise of our relationship on the physical distance between us. Oh yeah, and he confessed to having a pretty big prescription pill addiction. Damn, I thought, where’s my pills to cure me of this pain in the ass??? Jeez, how do I pick these guys? In retrospect, it was easy to see how he could have hid his drug use from me. His “mumbling” on the phone could always be blamed on Sprint or Verizon. The old “Can you hear me now” syndrome!! We lived so far apart from each other and saw each other so infrequently, that when we were together, I was so excited to see him I wasn’t looking for flaws or odd behavior. Ladies, always remember to keep the “blinders” off when you’re driving down the highway in heavy, romantic traffic.

Even though I knew it was better in the long run that our relationship ended; I was still one sad puppy. I did love him and his lies of omission stung. In order to have a successful long-distance relationship you need trust, probably more than you might need in a relationship where you see that person on a fairly consistent basis. The Marine broke my trust like a tooth that just bit into a marble. I felt downright foolish, even more so than I normally do when I look back at my list of relationships.

After a few months things were getting back to normal. I was moving on and actually dating someone new. That’s when the phone calls started. Here is a tip ladies: …any phone call received after eleven o’clock at night is a “booty call”. Plain and simple. Guys are not calling to chat or catch up on what you had for dinner. They are calling because they hope we have been drinking and that we are up for having company. Here’s another tip: …we are not the only ones they called that night. Not by a long shot. I, however, was just foolish enough to be the one who picked up the phone.

I knew I should have let his call go into voicemail, or better yet, to hell,… but I was too curious. Did he miss me? Was he sorry? Was he about to stand on my lawn ala John Cusack in Say Anything? Was everything all right? I went over the hundreds of questions that have a tendency to go through a girl’s head. As we talked, he seemed well and alive. No visible signs of remorse or longing, no real interesting conversation either, actually. He did make a lot of thinly veiled hints that he wanted to come over that evening though. This should have been the point where I hung up the phone and started doing my nails, but like I stated before, I just never learn,….duh!!! You can imagine what happened next.

Once I opened the door (no pun intended) to these late night phone calls, they showed no signs of stopping. We had hit the hazy, post-break-up shoals of ambiguity that many former couples seem to navigate. We weren’t in a relationship, but we really weren’t seeing other people either. The Marine was basically getting all of the benefits of having a girlfriend without having to do any of the work. It took me a while to realize we weren’t getting anywhere. Well, he was getting to home plate, but I wasn’t getting anywhere!! I was caught in that dreaded booty call limbo and I’m just not that flexible. I was falling on my ass each time.

It took a few more of the Marine’s late night calls to make me realize that the only thing I was getting out of this arrangement was a headache brought upon by severe lack of sleep. It was difficult at first but I finally started to ignore his calls. Part of me hoped that my lack of communication would make him realize what he had thrown away. It was not to be, but his calls did slowly taper off. It was every weekend, then every few weeks, then nothing,…zero,…zip,…nada! All that was left was an uninterrupted night of sleep and this lesson: … Always check your caller ID.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Facebook Is For Stalkers

I have a confession. I am a terrible procrastinator. There is not a project, deadline, or appointment that I cannot justify putting off. Homework? Nah, it’s time to reorganize my junk drawer. I have to be at work in an hour? Sounds like a great time to alphabetize my CDs. However, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that sucks up my time like the internet. I can burn up some serious hours on my computer. Online arcade games, random personality tests, Youtube. Yeah, I do it all. Out of the millions of websites out there though, one website claims more of my time than all the others put together. Facebook, ladies, is my own personal black hole. I’ve spent enough time on FB that I ought to be compensated ….. Or have my computer taken away.

Now, I know I may have a problem, but I am not the only one. We all do it. Facebook is addictive. We start off slowly. We update our status, check our friend’s profiles, maybe a video or two. Next thing we know we are looking at photos of our college roommate’s best friend’s wedding. Why? How did we get here? Do we really care about these people? Do we even actually KNOW these people? Did I really just spend two hours on this website? Shit, I’m late for work.

If we are not reading about the lives of people we barely know, then we can be found looking at the pages of people we do know. Close friends, family members, and …. Um, I don’t know …. Ex-boyfriends, maybe? It’s hard not to take the occasional peak, right? We didn’t really leave them on our friends’ list just to send happy birthday messages. There is always going to be a part of us that is curious of what they are up to. We can’t help it. If you love someone there will always be a connection there. We may hate the bastards, but we still want to know what they are up to. Thank God Facebook is here to help us with that. However, even though it’s easy for us to check up on our exes; is it healthy for us?

Moving on after a break-up can be very difficult; especially if we weren’t the ones who wanted to split up. It’s easy to get stuck in the past. It’s even easier when we can summon up our ex with the click of a mouse. I am just as guilty of this as anyone else. When the Bartender disappeared suddenly from my life I was pretty crushed. I tried to comfort myself with thoughts of him falling off of a cliff or wandering around with serious head trauma that had caused amnesia. Facebook ruined the fantasy for me though. The Bartender had recently signed up on FB and was in my friend list. If he wasn’t going to tell me where he went, perhaps his profile would.

Looking back, I think deep down I knew that checking his profile was a bad idea. I knew there was nothing on there that was going to make me happy or understand why he pulled such a dick move. But I went and did it anyway … again and again. Just as my inner voice had warned; there was nothing good written on his account. No posts about him missing me, no comments from friends asking how he could do such a thing to the best girlfriend he’s ever had, no pictures of him crying his eyes out. Nada. Nothing. Zip. There were, however, posts about him having a great time at Six Flags just days after he went missing. Seriously?!? I’m home, moping on my couch, surrounded by tear-stained tissues and Chinese take-out, and Houdini is off riding Superman? What the fuck?

There were pictures too. You guessed it …. I looked. My favorites must have been from the Fourth of July party he had thrown when I was still under the impression that we were dating. No …. I was not invited. In each and every picture the Bartender looked quite happy and content. Look – there he is smiling with a beer. Look – there is the Bartender laughing with friends. Wait a minute – there is the Bartender with his crazy ex-girlfriend he swore he couldn’t stand. Move out of the way …. I’m going to be sick.

Although I can blame the Bartender for many things, I can’t not blame him for my feeling terrible each time I looked at his profile. I knew I shouldn’t have, but I did it anyway. All he was doing was moving forward while I was remaining in the past. Here I am, a reasonably sane adult, willingly torturing myself. And I know I’m not the only one. Many of my girlfriends have done the same thing. We’ve sat on the phone late at night trying to decipher what each status update means. When he says he’s bored does that mean he is bored because life sucks without me? No, ladies, sadly it means he is bored because it is the All-Star break and there are no sports on TV. Guys are simple. They are not sending hidden messages to us via social networking sites.

Eventually, I stopped checking the Bartender’s profile. It came to me mid-click. I needed to stop clinging to a relationship that was over. The Bartender wasn’t checking my profile trying to see what I was up to. He was off living his life. Well, that’s exactly what we need to do ladies. Even though online stalking seems like a harmless pastime, someone is getting hurt. That someone is us. Let’s start using our computers for what God intended; finding awesome shoe sales. Or great concert tickets. Or the next bestseller that is coming out. Anything that makes us feel good and makes us appreciate ourselves for the awesome people we are.

That’s exactly what I did in the end. I went to the Bartender’s profile one last time … to delete him. I’m not going to lie; it was hard. It was also empowering though. This time it was me in the driver’s seat. I was making the decision to let go and, in the end, I’m glad I did. You’ll be glad to. Our future loves are out there ladies, we just need to get off the computer and go find them.

If He Doesn't Own a Car, He Doesn't Deserve You

So here is a little heads up ladies …. If the man you are interested in does not possess a vehicle you need to run away. Fast. Like you are at a sample sale fast. This relationship is not going to end well, but it will end. Most likely with him suddenly disappearing and you broken hearted. Do I sound like I am writing from experience? Good guess. I am.

Let’s call this mistake The Bartender. I had known the Bartender for a while. He had come into my bar randomly here and there. And to be honest, I thought he was an asshole when I met him. First impressions are always right, remember that. However, he was hot. Tall, nice body, all-American hot. I should have just kept him as occasional eye candy that I enjoyed flirting with. But noooooo …. I never make the right decision. I decided to ask him out. Now remember, this is right after the Lump left me, so I was trying to validate my appeal to the opposite sex. He said yes to the invite and we made plans for the next week.

It’s funny, but as we look back on our lives, it’s amazing how certain situations that seem so small at the time end up being monumental occasions, for better or worse. This was definitely in the worse category. I should have never pursued this relationship. It had heartbreak written all over it. Helen Keller could have seen the signs it was so glaringly obvious.

Our first, I guess you would call it, date was on a Tuesday. Bartenders have random days off and because we have the same job this was an appropriate time to meet up. We decided to get together at the bar I work at. I had spent the day at the mall buying new clothes for this monumental occasion. I was looking good and showing a little glimmer of the self esteem that I had lost with the Lump. I walked into my bar and there he was …. With his roommate. Hmmmm …. Perhaps this wasn’t a date at all. Had I misunderstood our conversation? Maybe it was a group date? Should I have brought a friend too? Is he scared to leave his house alone? Does he not want to be alone with me? Am I that intimidating? I am pretty tall when I’m wearing heels.

Being a rather laid back chick (and under the spell of his hotness) I decided to go along with the extra company and enjoy the night. Now, I’m not sure at what point the answer to my burning question came up, but the answer to the tagalong was that the Bartender did not own a car. I should have lost his number then and there. This is a warning sign ladies! Listen closely. No car? At 30? Really? I could understand if we lived in a large metropolis with excellent public transportation. I lived in Boston and I never owned a car the entire time. However, we both live in a moderate sized city in New England. Our public transportation is spotty and generally a pain in the ass. Owning a car is a necessity.

Now please don’t think that I am a superficial bitch who rates people on the possessions they own. That is not the case. It was not WHAT kind of car he had; it was the fact that he DIDN’T have a car. I didn’t realize it at the time but this is a major sign of instability. Missing certain key elements that make up a normal adult life does not bode well for a healthy relationship. If a man is not functioning in his every day life, he is not going to be a good boyfriend. Simple as that.

At the time I wrote off his lack of transportation as a minor flaw in an otherwise amazing person. I was proud of myself for seeing someone for who they were on the inside and not judging them for the things they owned. Well, I’m telling you now, judge away!! My willingness to overlook such huge warning signs led to my heartache at the end. I can’t remember exactly why the Bartender didn’t have a car. It had something to do with some youthful discretion that had continued to haunt him years later. To be honest, he told me the story a few times but I never really listened. The fact that his past behavior contributed to his walking everywhere should have also clued me. Again, I was impressed by my ability to overlook someone’s past. We all make mistakes, right? Who was I to judge what someone did when they were 21. I am a Buddhist for chrissakes. Well, I repeat, JUDGE!!!

When a man is having turmoil or major disruptions going on in their life they are just not good candidates for dating. The Bartender seemed sweet and funny but in the end his personal issues were the demise of our relationship. Unstable men make rash decisions and quickly change course. They don’t have a life rhythm so they don’t see anything wrong with continual change and upheaval. In my situation, the Bartender just disappeared one day. Things seemed fine, we were hanging out having a blast, and then … nothing. Not. One. Word. No phone call to end things. No text message telling me I should make alternate plans for the Fourth of July. No email mentioning that he was about to fall off the face of the earth. I was so confused and thrown off by this behavior. I think I would have accepted smoke signals as an adequate form of communication. That’s how desperate I was for some kind of answer.

There may be nothing more confusing than when the person you are dating suddenly disappears. To add insult to this very painful injury, I found out from a mutual friend’s Facebook posting that he was hosting a Fourth of July party at his house. Ouch!! Really? I guess he didn’t die suddenly in a freak accident or wander off into the woods. Nope, he had just moved on. In the blink of an eye he had gone from loving boyfriend to useless jerk. As most things in his life, he saw me as another transient item. Enjoyable at the time; but no real commitment on his part. And that’s where the heartache comes in.

No one likes to be broken up with. There are thousands of sad love songs to prove this point. It’s a painful ordeal to go through even in the best situations. But when the person you have fallen in love with suddenly stops being in your life, the heartache doubles. Girls think. A lot. We think about what we did, what the guy did, what we could have said, what we shouldn’t have said. Hell, we wonder if we put on the wrong radio station and that in itself caused the jerk to leave. All I had were my thoughts and a phone that seemed to not want to ring. I blamed myself, I blamed him, I cried (a lot), I got mad, I told myself I didn’t care, but in the end all I felt was utter loss and confusion.

I never did get a reason as to why he left without a word. A few weeks after the Great Disappearance of 2009 I received a text message saying something about how he just wasn’t ready for a relationship. Too little, too late buddy. At that point it almost felt like a slap in the face. I had been doing my best to forget how much time I had wasted on this loser and all of a sudden he decides to resurface. With a shitty explanation to boot. I didn’t respond. I knew there was nothing to say. He wasn’t going to give me any answer that would have helped eased my pain. There are no magical words to erase behavior like that. Well, perhaps an all expense paid vacation to the Caribbean. But if this guy couldn’t even afford a used Geo, I guess island hopping in the tropics is pretty much out of the question.

So lovely ladies, here is the moral to the story. Do not date a man who does not own a car, have a stable living situation, or a form of employment. These men are toxic and must be avoided. You are not being a snotty bitch; you are protecting your valuable heart. Sure, they may be funny and hot like the Bartender, but they are not going to be good for you. Smile, enjoy the flirting, but lose their number. You deserve more. You deserve a man who is going to be upfront and honest with you. You deserve to be respected. You deserve true love.